By Tom Brannon

Nashville, TN, March 5, 2024 –The first mission for 2024 at Erebus, an applied research solutions provider, is scheduled for testing and deployment in Q2. The school security app will alert all desired law enforcement and responders at any subscribed school for fire and/or active shooter attempts. This system fully satisfies new security amendments in Tennessee law (TCA Titles 39 and 49).

The application, available for launch in all Tennessee schools in May, 2024, will enable information, guidance and security to all schools and parents using it. This service uses military-inspired cloud-based software, with data inbound to the Erebus app, a sensor package and RFID software and hardware There is a severe need for sensor technologies and RFID as aids to identify threats and provide automatic identification as well as data capture. This is now offered to public schools in Tennessee. Especially in K-8, RFID will expedite arrival and departure, and enable automated attendance and reporting data.

EREBUS – Strategic Information System:   Provides a common interface to manage user and operational information, based on the military’s Blue Tracker System.  An Erebus subscription offers:

·        Situational Awareness – an imperative to staying safe;

·        Military strategies and tactics + exclusive EREBUS additions and intel;

·        Example: EREBUS design tactics include OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) from US War Colleges;

·        Responses to threats and dangers via instant alerts to local police, sheriff, fire, and EMS departments;  

EREBUS SENSORS:  Establishes a new standard for student safety

AURAL SENSOR: Identify sound from firearms

·        MAGNETIC SENSOR: Signaling from nearby metal objects will sound an alarm or send a signal

·        MULTI-SPECTRAL SENSOR: Alerts on a muzzle flash

·        COMMS: Immediate and private to law enforcement, fire dept or even parents

  RFID:  Provides passive automatic identification and data

A Vehicle Authorization card will be issued for every car that will be transporting a student to school. These are passive (non-powered) RFID cards at a parent’s cost under $10 and can be used for as long as a student attends that school. The RFID transponder at the school door holds thee data is needed by the school, including ID and picture.

·        Each student is issued a passive (non-powered) RFID tag that is read at each school door. The school’s RFID/OpenCV will verify the correct vehicle and the student as he/she enters the school.

·        If a school active shooter event occurs, responses monitored by EREBUS can reach parents immediately if desired;

·        School instructions (pick up children, etc.) are then communicated to parents by authorities securely and directly.

·        The system software will confirm the arriving students and can deliver the attendance report to each teacher and the office. Students missing, or a person not listed as an enrolled student will be on an exception report. And end-of-day, the school will be signaled by each arriving car and will know which student to release.

·        AI is used for these features and performs identifying inferences for vehicles, license plates and facial recognition.

·        A version 1 system could be restricted to cover only ingress and egress, linking the car to the child.


Built to military standards on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud infrastructure with an interface of multiple security tools.

·       Full infrastructure service; one click generates threat level instantly communicated to law enforcement using the app.

·        Suspicious activity alerts can be described in detail. Police can respond, then step down the Alert when resolved. Ops are flexible; mutual aid toolbox can pull other teams (nearby cities, counties or regions) into the op as desired.

3/15/2024 10:01:00 PM

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