Based on the Blue Force Tracker component of the U.S. Military Global Command and Control System, Erebus provides organizations and teams the ability to coordinate and react in both times of peace and emergencies.



  • Direct and Group Messaging

  • Geographically locate active users within a group

  • Broadcast messages from leadership
  • Public may use to protect family or property

  • Issue geographically tagged alerts in an emergency

  •   Issue requests and alerts
  •    End-to-end encryption

  • Create Mission Plans for trips and activities


Command & Control

BACKROOM  24x7 /  365



Connect to physical security sensors and access control
Groups in every county use Erebus as a force multiplier
Enable immutable reports (blockchain) that can be relayed to leadership, law enforcement and courts (admissible)

web-based or Windows application

A rebirth of Civil Defense as needed, where needed. Feasibility/planning sessions are underway or being offered in multiple states to:
Institute national data network of Users for Fusion Centers to ingest any file (pics, video, spreadsheets, AARs)
Link users + LEO + 1st responders  + Sheriff, all on the same comms         Volunteer Fire Depts
         Motorcycle Clubs
         Veteran groups  
          select NGOs          

Private cloud-based. No other users or accounts on your system
Add other user groups, swarm to enlarge and assist additional AOs, Ops, regional emergencies

Property owners in border area may use sensor package to do 360 degree  monitoring, then auto alert Sheriff, Militia, etc.


                          SCHOOL SHOOTINGS

Erebus plus sensor package. All teachers and main office can be networked in any school to facilitate its ability to send immediate Alert to law enforcement if any sensor is activated. Sensor 1 (magnometer) at entries signals if metal gun is detected. Sensor 2 (aural) signals at sound of breaking glass or at gunshot. Sensor 3 (fire) signals if a fire is detected. Geo-mapping and AI version will be able to add context, location/floor where action occurs. With family account, school can inform parents of info, pickup location, etc.

                                 FAMILY LOCATOR

Protecting people, not belongings, Erebus Family features a real-time GEOmapping of the exact location of family members, wherever they are. Kids away at college show child on a map of that city. Customize communications, use txt, email, calling. Erebus accounts handle a family of four at less cost than most home alarm systems. On the border, the Erebus Family system can be combined with Erebus sensor packages to help protect ranches. Coverage an entire ranch with small, sensitive, hidden aural sensors (use LoRaWAN) and magnetic sensors plus multi-spectral sensor for muzzle flash closer to the house. Alerts are sent immediately to Police, Sheriff or area civic defense organizations.


Version 1 for US Embassy cities. Erebus for client hotels are linked to US Embassy ALN (American Liaison Network) for US citizen alerts for weather, security threats, disasters, evacuations. Also local law enforcement is linked to the client hotel. Erebus assists hotels to protect guests regarding kidnapping or other crimes with real-time GEO-tracking and instant Alerts to local police. Users can be grouped (conventions) Hotels can direct EMT for aid using GEO-tracking. Simple cost and deployment at $5/day/Room. Domestic version for U.S. hotels could offer travelers' info from anti-terror network or local law enforcement or tourism organization. This may also be an event advertisement platform for Erebus; perhaps a live Remaining Tickets Discount source to make every performance a sold-out show.


There is a desperate need for technology solutions in this area of high tech and high risk. Erebus enables automated triggering of lighting cues and audio and video notifications to bee routed to the main PA and video walls for immediate response to incidents and emergencies. Using industry standard protocols (DMX, ArtNET, sACN) we directly communicate with production systems to enable a single, immediate action to execute multiple responses. Productions can configure their own custom responses (low bandwidth) to be used on the same network as event control systems.
Law enforcement and first responders will benefit from interoperable comms (a deadly problem at Astroworld and other concert disasters). ALL responder comms at every show will be linked in a single event network.

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Erebus Dynamics Corporation

Family. Community. Country.