The new Army direction for multi-domain operations is used by Erebus in designing our apps and services for law enforcement, emergency response and other civilian activities. This forward-looking placement of Erebus military-inspired technologies is primarily served by the interoperable features of the Erebus application. The coordinated use of law enforcement capabilities, working alongside all other stakeholders in related incidents is possible as never before. Working in more than one physical domain (land, sea, air, space or cyberspace) or dimension (physical, human or informational) is a reality with Erebus communications. As long as they're users of Erebus, stakeholders can be completely independent of each other, but temporarily joined to work as one large logistical unit. Moreover, the ability to work alongside organized, trained, and equipped personnel will help avoid the sometimes disastrous results of recent years at mass casualties (concerts, transportation disasters, school shootings and urban riots).
Because of the military-knowledge of the Erebus leadership team, we deliver more than simply an app. Tools like IPB* and OODA Loop* are found on our workbench as well (with plans to bake some of these into our future apps).
IPB / Intelligence Planning for the Battlefield
OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), repeat