Civil Capabilities

Being aware of your surroundings is pivotal to staying safe. The concept is "top-of-list" for military and law enforcement training. Erebus presents a new era of family security and to group or neighborhood safety. Remember Civil Defense? Students got under their desks, families headed for the underground fallout shelter they buried in the back yard. It's time to refresh these practices - Erebus has been working on this and now, you can use Erebus to:

     See the exact location of every family member, daughters at college, sons on a trip;

     Send an immediate Alert to Police, or request an ambulance to a specific location;

     Send text messages to every family member, or send a document or file;

     Receive maps of the latest alerts from family, friends, local or state authorities;

     Receive data regarding riots, active shooter events, or weather alerts. 

If an active shooter event occurs at your child's school (and they are on the Erebus Security Network) communications at various levels of law enforcement and emergency services will begin. Those are monitored by Erebus and you will be notified immediately along with any instructions on where to meet up with your children. Instead of public announcements, these are securely sent through Erebus only to parents.

Family members that get separated can easily find and see each other's location using GEOmapping (the same location protocols used by the military). Any time an Alert is issues by a  family member, everyone is immediately aware of what's happening and where. In the spirit of Civilian Defense, your neighbors or community may elect to join their Erebus accounts together to share their needs during an alert of a missing neighbor.

Now you know why we call this a new era of family safety and security. It in not more expensive than a home alarm system that protects your "stuff," yet it protects your family, your children, even provides contact with your neighbors, your community (those with an Erebus account), and provides instant alerting of police, fire dept, EMS, sheriff and any other city services on the Erebus network. Then, for example, police can activate an Erebus team to respond, or their entire force, to activate a BOLO, or join in a nearby community for mutual aid, or instantly inform FEMA or other federal response groups.

Now you can se what we mean by CIVILIAN DEFENSE, and the contribution that will be made by Erebus. On the "assistance" side of the Civilian Defense equation is the Erebus force multiplier we refer to as interoperability." For the first time in U.S. emergency response, all responders can share the vital capability of communicating with each other. Our page covering special events and concert security provides important details and the deadly failure of communications in recent years.

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Erebus Dynamics Corporation

Family. Community. Country.