Solutions By Threat

By Thomas Dubas

Solutions by Threat

Medical/Mass casualty Events

EMT and first responders will appreciate the communications enabled by EREBUS. Providing merged operations with all agencies responding and featuring map positioning if desired to the exact location of all responders and victims in the area. Using the START triage method, all users can conduct a simple and quick triage of a casualty as medical first responders are on their way, allowing medical personnel to quickly and accurately deploy help where it’s needed first.


When we say EREBUS is built to military standards we're talking about security. Utilizing security best practices, design standards, and information protection; we work hard to protect your information. Private security firms will appreciate the capabilities provided by our services and applications. Allowing security professionals to coordinate and collaborate just like we do in the military. We provide GIS mapping solutions with asset and incident tracking as well as secure messaging and data sharing. Clients can build intelligence databases to augment and improve operations. Even integrate with alarm systems and other sensors to provide a whole operational picture - improving response time and precision. Additionally, being able to coordinate directly with first responders is a force multiplier and increases effectiveness of response measures.


Providing first responders, emergency managers and centers, as well as families and individuals a new toolset to respond to disasters. Emergency managers can issue requests to those in the affected area for damage reports. Taking the time to collect information on the level of damage over a wide area down to minutes, not hours. Keep those on the ground informed about search and rescue progress. Let victims send geographically tagged alerts requesting help. Rapid START triage methods available to all users, further improving the ability to categorize response plans.

Active Shooters/Terrorism

Once the first shot rings out, the clock starts running and survivability is measured in seconds. Once a shooter is noticed or a sensor picks up the first shot, all users in the affected area and police are simultaneously alerted. With all users able to broadcast their position securely, first responders can get an idea on where help is needed first, and even help guide people to safety with direct messaging through our app. The START triage component will allow medical first responders to get a better idea of what is needed before they even arrive in the affected area.

Inclement Weather

Our current emergency broadcast system does a good job of telling us there is a problem. But getting geographically pertinent information in real-time is critical to survival. Get and send alerts, request geographically tagged support, and even send pictures and videos to first responders so they can better assess the situation.


We’re experiencing a range of evolving threats to national health security – COVID, emerging infectious diseases, potential CBRN emergencies (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear). Built to collect, curate and share threat data, EREBUS has the ability to cascade information down to all levels that need it. Inform first responders, patrons, and employees of a potential threat. Integrate with sensors to gather and assess real-time data. Distribute that data to those who need it. Even use our API to put on your website your current personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements and change it through your account gateway as needed. For employers, allow your staff to fill out a daily health check sheet to ensure they are healthy, and make good informed decisions when they are not.


Protesting is a fundamental right of all Americans wantint to exercise their first amendment rights. But these events can wreak havoc on businesses and travel. They can also sometimes become violent and unpredictable. Stay informed and alert others to what’s happening. Track alerts and updates in real-time, warn staff and/or patrons, get students to safety, the list goes on. If you have a strong community watch, you can reach out for help if you’re stuck or trapped. Alert law enforcement the moment something happens, allowing them to respond quicker and with more precision.

3/12/2024 8:00:00 PM

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Erebus Dynamics Corporation

Family. Community. Country.